Lush Florist & Gifts

Brighten Up Any Occasion
With Our

Vibrant Blooms

And Thoughtful Gifts

Lush - Gifts


Make it Unique
Make It Special

At Lush, we believe that every occasion deserves to be celebrated in a unique and special way. That’s why we offer a wide range of gifts that are sure to make any moment memorable. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary or just want to show someone you care, our thoughtfully curated collection has something for everyone.

Artisanal Floral Designs

“Absolutely beautiful! Lush always does a fabulous job with a unique arrangement every time.”
– Doryan C.

Captivating Floral Bouquets

Lush Florist & Gifts

Floral Subscriptions

Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Call or stop by either location today to discuss a floral subscription. Give us the dates you want each arrangement to be delivered! We can bill you after each delivery!
Lush - Classes


Nurture Your Passion
For Floral Design

Discover the art of floral design through Lush’s expert-led training classes. Unleash your creativity and learn to craft stunning floral decorations that will elevate any space. To secure your spot, simply call (251)473-6121 and register for the date of your choice. The classes are priced at $75 and include all the necessary materials. Bring along your own alcohol and indulge in our delightful snack buffet. We guarantee a truly enjoyable experience as you explore the world of exquisite blossoms. Join us and embark on a journey of floral mastery with Lush.
Lush Florist & Gifts

Visit our shop!

LUSH is a locally-owned store that offers a beautiful selection of fresh flowers, unique gifts and specialty items. The friendly staff and warm atmosphere make for a delightful shopping experience. Don’t miss the chance to support this wonderful small business and see all that they have to offer.

Government Street

West Mobile